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Pump Set - Packaged Distribution System

Pump Set - Packaged Distribution System

Saves 3/4 energy consumption than that of traditional ones in traditional central air conditioning system, the supply and distribution system of cooling water, chilled water and hot water consumes 1/3 of the whole system's energy.

To correct this apparent unreasonable phenomenon, BROAD invented the packaged distribution system which saves an average of 3/4 energy consumption instantly. Meanwhile, the reliability of the distribution system has been improved to the same level as that of a chiller. This incredible energy saving miracle is indeed not mysterious, it's attributed to the zero-resistance filter and intelligent control technology BROAD has invented. The core is, we need the solutions of the 21st century to solve the problems of the 21st century, and that is, to replace ''blind design'' with industrial research, and to replace on-site construction with factory production.

Cooling Tower & Enclosure

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